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Friday, July 18, 2008

Wall - E

Finally, after a month of going to the theater and being at least a little let down by movies, I am happy to say I loved Wall-E. everyone else. This movie was great. Leave it to Pixar to never let me down. I loved Ratatouille more but this movie is definitely up there.

I remember when I first heard about this movie last year and I ran across a few A.R.G. sites tied in with the film. One of the sites was BuyNLarge and when I visited it then, it was made up to look similar to that of Target's site or Wallmart. Buy N Large is the conglomerate in the movie that looks to own everything including the President. If you visit the site now, it redirects you to Disney's site for Wall-E. I just spent a good ten minutes playing the Build A Bot game they offer.

Anyway, I suggest anyone go see this movie. Dare I say, I almost cried at the end.

If I had stars, it would get 5.

And now, here's a handful of promo videos. You can find more on YouTube.

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