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Monday, November 24, 2008

Quantum Of Solace

I love a good James Bond movie. However, I started getting bored with the Pierce Brosnan movies. I really felt the series needed a change of direction. I always liked the classic films with Sean Connery playing Bond. As well, I remember thinking that when the Jason Bourne movies came out how much more entertaining and downright awesome they seemed to be.

I think the people behind Casino Royale and Quantum Of Solace shared my view. When I first heard Daniel Craig was to be the new Bond, I was skeptical. I knew of him as an actor but he was too rugged looking for me to accept him as a smooth talking 007. I realized, that was exactly the point. Casino Royale was an awesome movie. It was a bit long for my liking but I really appreciated the story line of a new upgrading an agent to double O status.

Quantum Of Solace started at the point right where Casino Royale ended. This movie was badass. Any action film fan would enjoy it. I think it worked on many levels, including as a James Bond movie. There's something about Daniel Craig's version of Bond that reminds me of classic Connery. Yet, it also infuses a more contemporary James Bond as well.

My one gripe with the movie was the sticking with the issue of Vesper from the previous film. I think I understand why they did it. To show the arc of the new James Bond in learning the rules of the road and keeping his emotional instability at bay. seemed a bit tiresome at points.

All in all, though, this movie had everything a James Bond fan would want. There was no Q. I'm wondering if there will ever be the Q character. Besides that, there were the sleek fast cars, the hot Bond women, enough action to satisfy any action fan, and the classic flavor of the Bond series is still there.

I'd give it 4 1/2 out of 5.

Oh....and I can't get enough of the theme song either.

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